All body types are beautiful, but many people want to try to get a bigger butt. This is because it shows signs of vitality, fertility, and health. Many famous stars nowadays flaunt their larger backsides on social media, which they got thanks to plastic surgery and fillers.
While this is also an option, most people want to know how to get a bigger butt naturally- especially since such procedures can cost thousands and thousands of dollars.
If you want to know how to get a bigger butt, you’ve certainly come to the right place. Here, we will tell you all kinds of ways to get a bigger butt quickly.
Here we will cover:
- How to get a bigger butt fast without exercise
- How to get a bigger bum naturally
- Exercises for booty gains
- Foods to eat to get a bigger booty
How to Get a Bigger Butt Without Exercise
The most important thing you must remember if you desire to have a larger butt is that you are beautiful the way you are. But there is no harm in wishing to enhance your appearance and feel better about yourself.
Ensure you only do this for yourself and not to impress someone. Remember that beauty is not in who has an enormous butt or the most desirable figure.
On that note, if you want to get a bigger butt, we will now delve into all the advice we have to give you.

Most people are impatient and don’t want to wait long to get most things they want. Unfortunately, this also includes making your butt bigger. So how do you get a bigger butt fast without exercise?
Many people wish to take the easier route of getting a bigger butt fast by going through surgical procedures or getting fillers. This is especially common among celebrities.
However, getting butt implants, in particular, can be dangerous. Many women have had severe infections and other drastic consequences after getting butt implants.
However, if you decide to get a Brazilian butt lift, you should also check out the Booty Buddy Pillow, which helps with the recovery and supports your buttocks after the surgery.
Getting fillers is not the most affordable option for everyone; any procedures mentioned above could cost you thousands of dollars.
This is the only way to get a bigger butt without exercise. There is no way to get a bigger booty fast other than to have an operation- which we do not recommend.
There are some products, such as booty enhancement creams and pills for a bigger butt. But these products need a certain amount of time to start seeing results, not overnight.
How to Get a Bigger Butt Naturally
Now that we know that you cannot get a bigger butt fast without getting some procedure, let’s delve into how to get a bigger butt naturally.
Exercise and the right diet
It is not an easy process. However, exercise and eating the right foods is the best way to get a bigger butt.
This will require you to be very dedicated and determined to reach your goal, but if you follow all the steps and are adamant about what you want, you will undoubtedly get what you want.
Eating food with lots of protein is excellent if you want to build your butt muscles. And the safest way overall to ensure getting a larger bum is through proper diet and exercise.
This depends on your body weight and fat content. You will want to consult a dietician or doctor before drastically changing your diet or lifestyle.
Gluteal-based strength training
There are three muscles in your butt that you need to work on when you exercise. These are the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus. If you want to get a bigger butt naturally, these are the muscles you need to focus on.
Some people might also want to lose fat around their buttocks since fat might sometimes hide the appearance of a larger booty.
Yes, this process might take several weeks or months before you notice any serious changes, but it will be worth it when you did things that were good for your health and body and did not end up harming yourself.
The rest of the article will cover what exercises and foods to combine to get a bigger butt naturally. First, let’s get into the exercise component of making your butt bigger.
Exercises for a Bigger Butt
One of the most important things to know about exercise is that you can’t target a particular body area.
Yes, some exercises are good for making your butt bigger, such as glute exercises, but they also target the rest of your body. You can’t just exercise and expect the only part of your body to change to be your butt.
Another important thing to remember is that genetics play a massive role in shaping your body and how you gain weight.
While you will see a difference with proper diet and exercise, don’t immediately expect to have the same buttocks as your favorite supermodel.
So, with that being said, let’s get into some of the best exercises for a bigger butt.
If you have ever spoken to anyone about your desire to get a bigger butt, it is almost 100 percent likely that they told you to do squats. Anywhere you look, you’ll see people recommending squats. And there’s a good reason for this, too- squats work.
You can squat with or without dumbells, but heavy weightlifting is a great way to build muscle, which will help your butt get bigger.

Here is what to remember about doing squats.
- The deeper you go, the better it is for your butt because it will cause your muscles to work harder. But it is not worth hurting your knees if you have knee problems. Try to at least reach a 90-degree angle with your body.
- Keep your heels on the ground. This will help to make the muscles in your butt work harder.
- Your knees need to be precisely in line with your toes. Don’t let your knees go out too far.
- Drive your hips backward and put your back at an angle, but don’t hunch. Make sure your back is straight.
It is good to repeat squats about 10-20 times, depending on how toned you are and how much your body can handle, and then repeat this in sets at least three times per week. Please don’t overdo it, or else you can hurt yourself.
Lunges are also a great exercise to help tone your butt and legs. First, ensure your feet are as far apart as your hips are wide. You don’t want your feet to be too far apart or close together.
Then, step forward with your one foot and ensure that your heel is the first part of your foot to touch the ground. Keep your thigh parallel to the ground and your shins straight. Then, go back to your standing position and switch sides.
Don’t let your heel come off the ground because this will cause a lot of stress on your knees, which you especially don’t need if you have bad knees. The same goes for making your torso bend too far forward. Instead, try to keep your back straight.
Lunges can be bad for your knees, so be careful when doing them, and as with any exercise, don’t strain yourself or do more than you feel equipped to do.
You can also incorporate weights with your lunges to propel the process of muscle building.
You always want someone with you when working with heavier weights for deadlifts, just in case.
Heavy lifting is an excellent way to build muscle and make your bum bigger. It works all the muscles in your body and, in turn, strengthens you. It especially helps to work your glutes.
Squeeze your glutes as well when you lift weights, so it will cause your glutes to work harder. Keep your body straight as you lift, and only lift as much as possible. You do not want to risk serious injury.
Hip Thrust
Hip thrusts are yet another great way to build strength in your butt, which will, in turn, make it bigger. The only reason why many people avoid doing hip thrusts is that they look a little strange.
You don’t need to do hip thrusts in a gym; you can easily do them from home.
Keep your shoulder blades on the floor and your arms spread out. Keep your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and your feet on the ground.
Then, while keeping your butt squeezes, lift your hips and hold. You can also do this with one foot in the air. This is not strenuous exercise at all.
Foods to Help Make Your Butt Bigger
Diet is one of the essential parts of any weight loss or muscle-building program. That includes the process of making your butt bigger.
One of the essential nutrients to include in your diet is protein. Having enough protein in your diet is necessary, or your butt muscles will suffer.
What Not to Do
We must mention this one crucial tip. Some people think that to make their butts look bigger; they should eat as much junk food or other unhealthy snacks as possible to gain weight.
Gaining weight does not necessarily guarantee you a larger butt. Eating a lot of junk food will only make you gain a lot of belly fat and probably will not show up much on your butt. Not only that but eating junk food is bad for your health and will harm you in the future.
So, you need to make sure that you focus on eating foods high in nutrients and not on eating anything you can with the hope of gaining weight to get larger buttocks.
The best food to help make your bum look bigger is anything with protein. This includes chicken, fish, eggs, and many other foods, according to StyleCraze.
Here are some of the best foods you can eat to help you get a bigger butt naturally.
Fish are excellent sources of many vital nutrients, especially protein and omega-3. Avoid eating fried fish (or fried food or any kind) if you want a larger butt.
Fish will also help to include good fats in your body, eliminating any bad fats that could cause heart problems. Some of the best fish you can eat include salmon, tilapia, haddock, and tuna.
Chicken has a lot of protein to help you make your butt bigger. In addition, it is less expensive than other meats, and there are so many ways to incorporate chicken into your diet.
Chicken breast is the best chicken to eat for increasing muscle, and you can easily get it in packs at the store.
Nuts are incredibly healthy for you, as they contain many healthy fats and protein. These will make for a great snack between meals, or you can include nuts in your salad. However you prefer to eat them, nuts are a great source of protein. Some of the best options are pistachios, walnuts, and almonds.

While avocados don’t necessarily contain much protein, they are fatty foods that will help you grow your butt. They also have many essential vitamins and fiber. So while the term ‘fat’ might scare you away, don’t worry; avocados are great for your butt and contain the suitable type of fat to be healthy and strong.
Vegetables and leafy greens are some of the best sources of amino acids, which are also essential in getting a bigger butt.
Don’t think back to your childhood when you constantly complained about eating anything green.
Consuming these greens now will have a significant impact on your overall health. Eat lots of spinach, kale, and other vegetables like broccoli and tomatoes to help make your butt bigger.
Eggs are one of the best ways to include protein in your diet. There are so many ways in which you can eat eggs.
Whether you prefer eggs sunny side up, scrambled, or hard-boiled, including eggs into your diet will make a big difference. It would be best to try to eat eggs in the morning for the most significant results.
Some people think that mushrooms are gross, but in reality, mushrooms are fantastic for your health.
And consuming mushrooms will also help make your booty bigger; they are packed with protein and are great if you do not want to consume meat or dairy.
You can make mushrooms in many ways, making them a great accessory to any meal.
Sweet potatoes
These are great alternatives to regular yellow potatoes and are even said to be much healthier, too. Sweet potatoes are delicious and highly nutritious.
They work well in burning fat and help build mass in your butt by combining a good diet with exercise. Sweet potatoes are some of the best foods you can eat to make your butt bigger.
Some of the best sources of protein and fiber that aren’t meat or dairy products are legumes, such as beans, lentils, and peas. There are so many different varieties of these foods that you are bound to find something you enjoy.
The good news is you can make these foods in many different ways, so you don’t simply need to eat them plain.
Cottage cheese
You might not have expected this food on the list, but cottage cheese has lots of protein and calcium.
You can eat cottage cheese on its own or add it to many meals. It makes for great breakfast food as well. Pro tip: If you plan to get a bigger butt, you don’t want to skip breakfast!

If you are a vegan or a vegetarian, you can eat any foods on this list that do not contain meat or dairy. You also can supplement some of the non-vegetarian options for protein shakes.
Food is fundamental if you want to make your butt bigger. Of course, you can exercise as much as you want, but if you have a poor diet or are not rich in protein and amino acids, all your hard work and effort will be almost useless.
That is why it is crucial to make sure you plan out your diet to eat healthy foods.
Bottom Line: How to Get a Bigger Booty Fast?
There is no secret way to get a bigger butt fast. You need to work hard and train hard for it.
It would be best if you disciplined yourself to eat the right foods and do the right exercises. If you do not eat the proper foods, including a diet rich in protein, you will not get a bigger butt.
It can take weeks and months to notice any changes but don’t be discouraged. The result will make you glad you stuck with your routine and goal!